Well I agree with most of what you said/

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Yes. Thank you so much for saying this. They are not taking anyone’s jobs,

They are doing the jobs we won’t.

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Breweries need illegal immigrants to manage costs. A motivated immigrant does 2-3x the amount of work of a US citizen at a brewery. Esp with a little mechanical background. You can afford to pay them well because they do so much work...

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Good points! I am a first generation American. My grandparents and my mom as a little girl fled Cuba in the early 1960’s. They were a well to do upper middle class family and small business owners in Havana but lost it all (home, business, money, personal belongings etc.) in order to flee Castro’s regime. My mom’s earliest memories in America was having to cut napkins in half to stretch them out because they were so poor upon arrival in the USA. My grandfather had to wait tables at a restaurant for money. They went from upper middle class to “poor immigrant” status instantly but through hard work and dedication they were able to completely rebuild their lives here in America and got back to “middle class”.

I currently work in early education and I can tell you that today’s generation of parents, children and style of parenting today do not do a great job instilling a good work ethic, teaching discipline or respect and understanding basic human values of helping others instead of only thinking of one’s self. I think about this regularly and it is what drives me as parent to make sure my daughter understands what it takes to be successful not only as an employee but also as a person. She is still in elementary school but has already started her own ”business” walking dogs for others in our neighborhood. She made business advertising, went door to door getting clients and now makes a couple of bucks during the week. I teach her how important it is to save, live on less than you make and the concept of investing/earning compound interest. She displays way more initiative and maturity than I see from many grown ups these days. I honestly believe that there is a parenting crisis in America currently that is causing the issues we are facing nationally. Sorry for my soapbox rant! 😁

Thank you Tom for sharing your experience and thoughts with this article.

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We are reaping what we have sown. In the last 50-60 years vast amounts of people have left the farm. Most are now 2-3-4 generations from that. Farm work is relentless, its always there, you never leave the farm if you live on one. Day or night, feeling well or not, sore or not, cold or hot, things must get done. You do it or it does not get done. How many of these illegal migrants were farm workers vs desk jockeys? Nearly all. Today children see and hear their parents work their 40 and thats it. People aspire to do that or less. Its a goal for them to not work more than 40 and in many cases its a failure if they must. They hire lawn care, cleaning, car maintenance etc....

Parents, the school system and government are to blame,

While the school year is longer they get a day off for this, that, the other thing. Their is not a month goes by that they do not have days off or parts of days. These kids have been trained in school to have days of during the week.

Parents doing their 40 and coming home and complaining they had to work ALL day.

I've known people that at 55 every single time I seen them they would talk about retiring. Some did so at 62 others 65 nearly all died with in 5 years.

Finally government probably the worst offender. It readily takes money from working people and gives it to slugs not willing to work. Eh if you don't feel like working much the government will step in to give you money, discount food, rent etc... heck if you go to college and rack up stupid amounts in loans the government will step in and steal from working people to pay the basket weaving loan off.

Step 1 to recovery? STOP bailing people out with other peoples money. If you only work enough to live in a cardboard box under a bridge - its your choice. The misery of not working has to be greater than the misery of working.

Step 2 school is 5 days a week. Christmas is your day off or week off.

Step 3 stop the nonsense of these young kids not be able to do much. Sure you don't want them up on sky scrapers bolting steel together but cooking and so forth ? You'll only get burnt once before you figure it out.

Step 4 parents crack the whip, go out and do something - ANYTHING. work on a car, plant a garden, replace your deck, anything but week end after week end of partying and drinking. You are teaching your child how to act - you are raising and adult not a child. Do ADULT things!

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One of your best articles Tom! Thank you for writing what a lot of people are thinking.

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Absolutely agree!

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