Bob, that's great. What's your meadery? I'd like to look it up. Chris is a good friend and an early student. He has had some great innovations he has passed along to us.

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Chris at Brass Ring Brewing in Grand Rapids, MI highly recommends your book and system. I assume it's working for him. I've passed the book onto another brewery in process, hopefully they can make in this market.

I'm adding beer into an existing meadery thats been open for 6 years. I'll be pushing your system there too.


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Dave the video is not produced anymore. The best for your brewery would be the business operation book. Just get the ebook it’s cheaper and you’ll get it right away. You can run anything by me too. I’m always happy to help out a uk brewer!

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Hi Tom. I have managed to get a brewery up and running on a shoestring, but now need to run it with a very tight cashflow. Which of your books should I buy to do this?

Also. Where can I find your Frankenbrew video?

Many Thanks. Dave of Napton Lock Brewhouse, UK

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