This may come as a shock to you, but it seems the United States aren’t so united. I know, I know, have we ever really been? Well, yes but only when we are invaded, and luckily that hasn’t happened for 81 years.
You may be wondering why I am bringing this up. Well, crazy as it may seem, I notice businesses that are blatantly partisan. Are they crazy? In my way of thinking - yes.
We all have opinions and I think we should express those and be involved in public discussions about events that matter to us. However using your brewery as your way to communicate your political views to the public is no bueno.
According to the Pew Research poll conducted in 2020, roughly 33% go to Republicans, Democrats and Independents, almost equally. Even if you are not concerned about independent voters and support either Republicans or Democrats in your brewery, do you really want to piss off 33% of your customers? Possibly a lot more because you don’t know which way the Independents lean.
There used to be a coffeehouse in our town that was extremely left leaning. It was decorated with rainbow flags, and bumper stickers and the like. Guess who the customers were? Mostly Democrats. Our town is too small to turn off any potential customers so why would they do that. I’m not saying stay neutral and not get involved. You should, it’s your duty in fact as an American, just leave the business out of it.
If you are a brewery that has been outwardly promoting a political agenda with regards to party politics, once this election cycle is over, quietly put your posters away and not mention it in your business again.
Operating a brewery, or any business for that matter, is a true act of bravery. Business is not easy. But there is a difference between bravery and foolishness. The United States would be a lot more united if we all talked to each other and a pub is an excellent venue for that. An exchange of ideas will happen a lot more peacefully if the place where the discussion happens at least has an air of neutrality. Plus, you will sell more beer that way and sleep better at night.
I hope everyone votes and accepts which ever way the election may happen peacefully. The health of our nation and our breweries depend on it.